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  CHPAPTER 3 Human resources empowerment ANNUAL REPORT  Improvement in Emiratization indicators Dubai Courts attaches great importance to the issue of Emiratization in response to its national roles and in line with the general trends in the country. This was reflected in the continuous improvement in Emiratization rates year after year, as this approach continued during 2019, where the overallnationalizationratewasmaintained at %81, while the Emiratization index in the percentage of the judiciary witnessed an improvement of two percentage points to 39, and to a lesser extent the indicator in the supervisory category improved by one percentage point to reach %98. Furthermore, the average years of service for citizens continued within 10 years. Localization General localization rate localization rate (leading category) localization rate (Judicial body) localization rate (Supervisory category) localization rate (Executive category) Average service years, nationals Results 2018 2019 81% 81% 100% 100% 37% 39% 97% 98% 89% 89% 10 10                                                            106 %100 %80 %60 %40 %20 0 %81 %81 2018 2019           

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