Page 38 - AR English 2018
P. 38

Chapter 1: Strategies aligned with ambition
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مبــادرة من حكــومة الإمـــارات UAE Government Initiative
Government Accelerators Team Initiatives
Dubai Courts continued to adopt Government Accelerators in 2018. The Government Accelerators Team initiative witnessed remarkable activity last year, whereby the Organizational Regulation of the Civil Procedures Law was prepared and submitted with the aim of restructuring judicial procedures. It was approved by the Cabinet on 12/9/2018 and published in the Of cial Gazette on 16/12/2018. The Regulation included the following:
- Changing the announcement procedures through prioritizing announcements that apply modern technologies in line with Dubai Courts’ smart transformation drive, in addition to (speedy litigation + paperless courts) and expanding the geographic reach of implementation to include all Emirates without a need for deputation to other courts. This has contributed to the shortening and acceleration of procedures.
- Accepting the attendance of authorized
delegates for special legal person without requiring the attendance of the corporate’s attorney or manager, in order to expedite procedures and reduce costs.
- Introducing one-hearing courts for commercial, civil and legal litigations of up to AED 100 thousand and wage claims and their equivalents of up to AED 200 thousand.
- Delegating the powers and authorities of the execution order judge to decide on  nancial claims evidenced in writing or electronically with no value limit of the amount.
- Changing the methodology for writing partial verdicts of up to AED 1 million from prolonged to short verdicts in reasoning.
- Transforming the litigation methodology for performance orders and execution of commercial contracts for  nancial claims from traditional litigation to fast litigation, which shortened the litigation time by 70% from the registration date.
- Raising the maximum limit for  rst instance

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