Page 18 - AR English 2018
P. 18

Society’s happiness and well-being have
always been a top priority for the UAE
leaders and successive governments. This
long-standing approach witnessed a giant
milestone with the launch of the National
Program for Happiness and Positivity and the
establishment of the Ministry of Happiness
in 2016, based on the UAE Vision 2021
and its sustainable economic and social
development plans. Accordingly, happiness
became a comprehensive approach across
the UAE, now representing a fundamental
value in all work and life details, especially
those related to government functions and
public services. Dubai Courts realized that
advancement on happiness and satisfaction
indicators is the real demonstration of its
accomplishments in various areas and  elds.
The year 2018 witnessed more advancement
on most of the happiness indicators in
the hallways of Dubai Courts and among
most internal and external parties using
the Courts’ services. The most notable %97 advancement was marked by the Society %100
Happiness Index at Dubai Courts
Employees Happiness
2017 2018
%83 %93 Customers Happiness
2017 2018
%96 %97
Happiness Index which jumped 11 percentage points compared with 2017, and the Employee Happiness Index which rose by 10 percentage points compared with 2017, whereas the Instantaneous Happiness Index score was close to that of 2017. The enclosed  gure shows in detail the achievements made on those indicators.
Al Twar Branch %96 Barsha Branch
%100 Hatta Branch %96 Wafi Center Branch
Main Building
Chapter 1: Strategies aligned with ambition

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